The tritone scale is created from two major triads that are a tritone apart. In this case, I’m using the G and Db major triads that result in a hexatonic scale G-Ab-B-Db-Dn-F and can be used for altered dom7 lines over both G7 and Db7. This scale can be played in position on the guitar using three distinct patterns, or modes. The 1st mode pattern starts on the root of each triad, the 2nd mode starts on the third of each triad, and the 3rd mode starts on the fifth of each triad.
Technically, these are not all 3rds. The sequence is constructed by playing the 1st note to the 3rd, the 2nd note to the 4th, the 3rd note to the 5th, etc., similar to how you would play any seven note scale (e.g. major, natural minor) in intervals of 3rds. With the Tritone Scale you get a reacurring interval sequence of M3 – P4 – m3. The 1st Mode starts with a M3, the 2nd Mode starts with a m3, and the 3rd Mode starts with a P4. The interval structure of each mode in G is listed below. The full two octave patterns start on P.2.
Download the Tritone Scale Pattern No. 3 in PDF form. They are also in JPEG form below the video.