This is the second example of how to use Pattern No.1 of the tritone hexatonic scale over a V7 chord. Instead of a typical four-bar ii-V-I progression, I’ve added the VI7alt in the last measure of the phrase, resolving to the ii chord in bar five. As with the...
A demonstration of how to use the tritone hexatonic scale. This one is super simple – just go straight up or straight down the scale, finding a good resolution...
The tritone scale is created from two major triads that are a tritone apart. In this case, I’m using the G and Db major triads that result in a hexatonic scale G-Ab-B-Db-Dn-F and can be used for altered dom7 lines over both G7 and Db7. This scale can be played...
The tritone scale is created from two major triads that are a tritone apart. In this case, I’m using the G and Db major triads that result in a hexatonic scale G-Ab-B-Db-Dn-F and can be used for altered dom7 lines over both G7 and Db7. This scale can be played...
The tritone scale is created from two major triads that are a tritone apart. In this case, I’m using the G and Db major triads that result in a hexatonic scale G-Ab-B-Db-Dn-F and can be used for altered dom7 lines over both G7 and Db7. This scale can be...